One of the things about idolatry is how elusive it is - my husband and I have a joke about the Israelites holding up one of their idols like, "Oh, you mean THIS Asherah pole? We had no idea that was what God was talking about." It can be so hard to discern the realities of our hearts, especially when it seems like there are some pros (connecting with others! encouraging them via likes and shares!) to potential idols... this essay invites people into discernment. What a fun (right word? not the right word) debut.

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Haha, yes! I always laugh when Aaron basically says: "I don't know how it happened--I threw the gold into the fire, and this calf came out. WILD” 🤣 You make a really good point, it can often be so hard to discern when a good thing stopped being a good thing and became an idol.

Thanks for reading :)

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Lol - and absolutely! Excited to read more from you!

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Convicting and true. So glad you're writing here!

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Thank you, Katie! Me too :)

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Absolutely loved this post!! I myself have left social media (again), also after reading the articles you mentioned. They basically were my nudges from God, saying what I have been thinking for way too long, always going back, because the addiction is real and thinking that I needed it in order to do what I wanted. But it was a bunch of deception, there is no need for that space in my life.

And no judgement to those who still use it, but it was just consuming so much of my time. When I realized I was scrolling for an hour or more throughout the day and then felt like I had no time to sit in deep prayer or read things that nourished my mind .. I knew I was in too deep again, and my initial reaction to leave that space back in 2021 was right and it was time to pull the plug once and for all.

I look forward to more of your insightful writings!!

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So many people seem to be in this weird space in regards to Instagram- like we know we're addicted but it doesn't seem like we have another way to do what we want to do or create what we want to create. I totally felt that as a writer and it's HARD. I'm glad you made what seems like the right decision for you!! It's a leap of faith for sure but I think God will be glad to have that part of our hearts back :)

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For sure! It’s comforting to hear others who had this struggle (I felt alone for a whole!). I feel so much more at peace knowing I don’t need to use that space to do what I want. It also felt like it wasn’t the type of content I wanted to create anyways.. which I guess is why the space never truly resonated with me to begin with!

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Agree. I've left social media besides messenger (which I use to coordinate with people I see regularly in real life).

Discord was hardest for me to leave because it was a server of only my friends, not all local. I so enjoyed it, but it was also taking a lot of my time and I was checking it over and over throughout the day whenever I was bored or had a minute. I was a moderator of a Catholic server and defended to myself that it was useful service I was providing. When I got off of it, right before Holy Week, I kept unlocking my phone and having nothing to check. I missed it, but it felt like the right choice.

I've adjusted more or less now. I mostly listen to audiobooks when I'm cooking or doing laundry. And when my six year old is home from school, sometimes we'll put on an audiobook we'd both like, current favorites being The Book of Three or The Black Cauldron or The Hobbit. I haven't quite gotten to a pray without ceasing, peace with quiet throughout a day of stay-at-home mom chores and volunteering, but cutting social media feels like positive progress for me. God giving me my miracle baby after years of secondary infertility helps me pray in gratitude every day.

Have you read The Restoration of Christian Culture by Dr. John Senior?

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"the Lord needed to erase the Egyptian influence and liberate their hearts from the spiritual slavery that held them captive. To do that, He called them into the wilderness to worship." I feel that this is why he has me in the wilderness. Lots to think about here.

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